The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars UX

by Brunom1

Part 119: Mission 48 - The Future Dialogue - Part 1

FYI, my recording computer had a heart attack AGAIN, so if pictures and videos look a wee bit different than usual, it’s because stuff had to be recorded from PCs with different settings. I’m hoping to have everything sorted out by Monday, so we should be normalized next week.

And we’re back, having successfully executed Operation Azure and brokering peace with the Festum again. And then Hazard sent out some human bombs before nuking the things. Again. But that’s a problem for Fafner Exodus – today we have different matters to see to. Less interesting matters… Joe, Setsuna and Tieria are deploying as event units, which brings us to 17 slots.
And, to be noted, Seri’s back as a pilot, while Akira and Hiroto can be switched out of the Zero Fafner and into their regular units, as previously mentioned. Here’s how we’re going:
Liu Bei/Pretender
Lu Bu/Seri
Cao Cao/Domyoji
Sun Quan/Rennie
Tactician: Graham (If you’re on track for the first 00 Gundam secret, set him in)

Off we go.

SRW UX - Rebellion Against Fate

: We’re already taken steps to safeguard the citizens and respond to the media. The population will start being evacuated in twelve hours.
: Good work. And what’s the status on the army?
: All forces have been called to action and are being deployed around our final line of defense in the vicinity of Mars to halt the ELS’ advance into the Earth Sphere.
: Operational command was assigned to Brig.-Gen. Kati Mannequin. The Federation Armada is already being massed to take part in the assault.
: Lastly, the interstellar cruiser Celestial Being will be taking part as our front-line command center.
: The Ultimate Cross is also expected to rendezvous with the Federal Forces and compose its vanguard troops.
: The UX…
: Once more we’re forced to thrust Earth’s fate upon their shoulders…
: But, if anything, I can help alleviate their burden by also deploying our Showdown Fleet to the front.
: The Rubens Foundation’s fleet? I heard you took on quite a large debt to build it.
: You heard correctly. In truth, this will be their first actual battle, but those vessels were made with technology provided by the Frontier Fleet. I assure you they’ll pull their weight.
: We’re literally throwing everything we have at the ELS.
: Now we can only pray to God that it’s enough…
: It’s us, not God, who have to see this through.
: We’ve to survive and secure mankind’s future…!

: How is the situation at the parliament, Shirin?
: From what Klaus told me, things are even more chaotic than anticipated.
: That’s understandable; they’ve just been told that the fate of all humanity will be decided in but a few days…
: …
: Well, we should still do anything we can to help.
: Marina…
: She’s right. All shelters will need to be stocked with food, the populace will need to be kept from going into a panic…
: There’s plenty for us to do.
: If you’re willing, I’d also like to offer my assistance.
: We’re truly grateful.
: (Setsuna… We’re doing everything that’s within our power…)
: (So, please, be safe out there…)

(TV): You believe it’s possible to establish dialogue with the ELS…?
: That’s right. My plan is to try to create a mental-affinity field via a high-density GN Particle Field with the 00 Qant[T].
: Hmm… Didn’t your previous attempt with the 00 Raiser end in failure, though?
: We already have an idea that may help deal with that matter.
: We called you precisely to confirm if our proposed method is sound.
: Well… I don’t think you’re mistaken, no. From what we’ve observed of the ELS’ behavior, by fusing with living beings, they’re essentially looking to exchange information and knowledge between one another.
: Additionally, quantum brainwaves are indispensable to establish that commingling of minds between metallic bodies as large as theirs…
: That’s why they’re attracted to people with the potential of being Innovators…
: In other words, you’re saying the ELS are also trying to communicate?
(TV): Well, we still don’t know if it’s “communication” as humans understand it.
: It could well be just the ELS absorbing living creatures and adding them into their collective.
: I guess so…
: Folks they take aren’t turned to nothingness like with the Festum’s assimilation, but that’s not a lot better.
: Regardless, I believe that only a bona fide Innovator would have any chance of achieving a true commingling of minds with them.
: …
: Many thanks, Billy. We’ll let you know if anything turns up.
: Best of luck out there.


: Hey, Tieria, what’s that method you got in mind to deal with the ELS?
: …
: Ian, I’d like you to install a miniature Veda terminal aboard the Qan[T].
: Eh? What for?
I’m going to use Veda to manage the incoming information from the ELS.
: …?!
: Ah, I get it! That might be too much for a human brain to process, but to Veda…!
: As for me, I’ll establish a direct link to that terminal from the Raphael.
: Mr. Erde…
: GN Drive, Veda, Innovator – these were the three things Aeolia Schenberg sought…
: And it’s through them that we’ll bring his ‘future dialogue’ to fruition!

: You want to go and “settle matters” with the Ultimate Cross…?
: They’re currently focusing all their efforts in their clash with the aliens bearing down on Earth.
: If we use that as an opportunity to attack…!
: Why are you so obsessed with the UX, Ylbora?
: We could just as well watch them squirm from afar and deal with the aftermath, no?
: …
: Hm… Oh, very well. You may sortie your troops.
: Your Majesty…!
: Thank you very much, sire! I vow to return victorious…!

*He leaves.*

: My Emperor, if I may ask, why did you allow that? You are far too lenient with Ylbora! He is—
: He is a Ladorian warrior, yes.
: Thus, why is it that he could activate the Zerokage, a unit that’s been passed down through generations on Planet The Boom?
: Th-That’s…
: In the distant past, our ancestors launched an attack on Planet Ladorio and were devastated by the power of a ninja.
: The Tobikage is said to be the legacy of that ninja, wherein that grand power was locked inside… but, then, what does that make the Zerokage?
: The Zerokage was restored using Tobikage’s data, so it should be bound by the same restrictions. How can Ylbora pilot it?
: …
: Are you suggesting Ylbora also has the makings of a ninja, Your Majesty?
: Correct. And I believe he’s noticed it as well, which is why he is so fixated with having his showdown with the Tobikage.
: I understand, sire. You allowed Ylbora to carry on in order to ascertain the truth behind the Ninja Legend…
: I am not about to allow the failure of our ancestors to be repeated.
: The power of legend… we must make sure it falls into our hands, whatever the cost.
: …

: Hmmm… No, I don’t see anything particularly off with the Tobikage.
: Really? Well, sorry to have asked. I know you’re busy.
: Hm? Did something happen, Joe?
: Nah, I just keep feeling like there’s a voice coming from inside it.
: A voice? Like when that Yùxǐ thing happened?
: Maybe? I don’t really know.
: Come again? Taking a closer look is a bit of a waste of time if you’re not even sure there’s stuff to find, no?
: I guess, but…
: To be fair, there’s still a lot we don’t understand about the Tobikage…
: Take its power source, for starters. We’ve no idea what fuel it uses to operate.
: Huh? Is that true?
: Right-o. And there’s also that mechanism that allows man and machine to fuse together! Ooh, that’s the stuff dreams are made of!
: But, regarding that man and machine fusing bit, you got another example in us Factors. We’re people who coexist with nanomachines…
: There’s the Mirisha folk and Jack, too. They’re all Mecha-Humans.
: You what now? That supposed to be funny, kid?!
: You have courage, I’ll give you that. Maybe we ought to take this elsewhere.
: W-Wait, that wasn’t an insult—!

*Bash! Biff! Crackle! THUNDER!*

: …
: U-Um… Let’s carry on, shall we?
: Well, now that they mention it, the people the ELS fuse with also have their bodies turned into metal.
: In other words, we live in an age where a full union of man and machine isn’t the stuff of fantasies.
: So, the thing between Joe and Tobikage’s another of those unions?
: That’s a possibility, sure.
: Either way, it could be that Joe’s sensing something akin to a will inside Tobikage. If so, that might just be a prelude for something happening…
: A prelude…?
: …

*Door opens.*

: Folks, we’ll be arriving at the combat zone shortly. Is everyone ready to go?
: Huh? A-Ah, yes…
: Hm? Is something the matter?
: Nah, don’t worry about it! I’m hyped up and ready to kick ass!
: …
: As you all already know, if the ELS manage to pierce this final line of defense, there will be no way to stave off their assault on the Earth Sphere.
: Thus, we must all be ready to risk our very lives in the upcoming battle.
: However, I’ll also tell you this!
: Do not die!
: Major…!
: Heheh, c’mon, man. Who’s dying here?
: Not us! We’re all going to make it back in one piece!
: The Ptolemaios and Macross Quarter will be taking point on the offensive.
: Following their initial volley on the enemy, the Elshank will move in and deploy all mobile troops.
: The battlefield awaits, my comrades!
: Aye, aye!
: Up ahead lies the final battle with the ELS…
: Up ahead lies…

Mission 48 – The Future Dialogue

: Armada’s losses have exceeded 20%...!
: Rearrange our formation! What’s the charge on the main cannon?!
: Output’s at 55%, but that’s enough for a shot!
: We need to take the wind off the ELS’ sails! Aim the particle cannon straight at the giant one!

: C-Crap… the shot didn’t even connect?!
: Did that ELS just bend the beam blast?!
: They’re learning how our weapons work…!
: …

*An ELS moves after one of the mooks.*

: Lemme go! Uwaaaaah!

: …
: What?! It turned into a GN-X…?!
: They’re taking over our MSs?!

: Tsk, even the defense platoons…! Divert troops from the other fronts!

*Three ELS GN-Xs blow past Patrick and Andrei!*

: Damn it, they’ve broken our perimeter!
: C-Colonel…!
: Deploy GN Field at max! They absolutely cannot get through the final defense line…!


: What…?!
: That particle beam was…!

SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

: We’ve to halt the ELS’ advance!
: Roger!
: Who cares what we gotta do?! Killing ‘em’ll do the trick!
: Ready all guns! We’re sniping them with everything we’ve got!
: Sniping the targets!
: Sniping the targets!
: General, it’s the UX!
: Took you long enough, Kujou!

: That was for the assist at the North Pole, Kati. We’re even now!
: The Zabanya and Harute are engaging the enemy!
: What about the Quarter?
: They’ve just finished joining up with the Showdown Fleet.

: All ships, engage Trans-Formation! We’re ready on your mark, Sumeragi!
: Aye, aye! Ptolemy, open fire!
“Ride the wave!”

: Heey, is that the Showdown Fleet we heard so much about?!
: I can’t believe they built an entire fleet of Quarter-sized Macross ships!
: The Elshank will be arriving shortly! Mobile troops, return and resupply!

: How’d you two like the Zabanya and Harute’s extra weapons?
: They’re great. Thanks a bunch, Ian!

: Engine output stable! Readying catapult!
: Deploy, everyone!

: (I knew I wasn’t imagining things. I am feeling some sort of will through the Tobikage…)
: (And it just might be…)
: Ian, what’s the status on the Qan[T]?!
: Just a bit more and it’ll be done!
: We’ve already installed the terminal; all that’s left is running our checks on the Raphael’s link…
: The boy’s 00 Qan[T] is our secret weapon towards communicating with the ELS. We must hold them at bay until it can launch!

: Defend that final defense line to the last, troops! We cannot allow the ELS through!

Take out all ELS, do not let any of them into the marked area and, also, don’t lose Joe or any ship.
One last defense mission for the road, the first thing you should know is what to prioritize: the small ELS and the GN-Xs will all prioritize heading for the finish line, while the big ones won’t even move. Also, the ELS will respawn infinitely whenever you take out 12 squads of theirs (just a fresh batch of small ones), so keep that in mind during your turns.
Take out the GN-Xs first because their weapons don’t carry the Fuse effect, so there’s little danger there. Afterwards, it’s all a matter of spreading out your guys in the widest line possible to hold back the incoming tide – lead with your more evasive units, of course, and see if you can’t get Kira or Rennie to line up some good MAPWs. Keep Kurou ready to cast Atlach-Nacha, as the enemy’s liable to go after his high HP pool and that can give a lot of leeway.
Your ships are in a lot of danger here, so it might be a good idea to just have them hang back and snipe if anything gets too close. Pushing them anywhere close to the frontlines is even riskier than against the Festum, as lost EN can’t be offset by killing more stuff.

Finally, both Lockon and Allelujah’s Gundams got their new Final Mission packs, which not only provides an overall stat boost, also gives them new attacks. Both units get a MAPW and a new final attack, with the Harute changing the most and gaining another much-needed post-movement attack to use against mooks.
I didn’t have the room to deploy him today, but I’ll try to show him off later.

GN-X IV (Patrick Mannequin)
Pilot Skills:
Prevail L6
Support Attack L2
Support Defense L2
All Attack L2
Spirit Commands:
Mech Features:
GN Field
GN Drive [T]
Squad Bonus: Armor +100, Exp +10% (Armor +200, Exp +30%, EN +100, HP +750)
Patrick’s voice actor: Kenji Hamada (other roles: Selvan in Radiant Historia, Sven in Tales of Legendia, Richter in Tales of Symphonia 2, and a bunch more)

GN-X IV (Andrei Smirnov)
Pilot Skills:
Prevail L7
Support Attack L2
Support Defense L2
All Attack L2
Spirit Commands:
Iron Wall
Mech Features:
GN Field
GN Drive [T]
Squad Bonus: Accuracy +5, HP +500 (Accuracy +30, HP +1500, Money +20%, Mobility +10)
Andrei’s voice actor: Tetsu Shiratori (other roles: Sai in Gundam SEED, Yuu in Brain Powerd, Lloyd in Code Geass and many more)

Can you say squaddies? They’re both competent enough but their customized mook suits are in no way capable of keeping up with our beefy mainliners, especially if you’ve gotten all the secrets. That said, coming in with at 50% upgrade and with good range coverage, they should have top billing if you’re looking for anyone to fill in gaps in your team.
Patrick’s a bit more ranged attack focused (he has a shorter maximum reach, but his averages are better), while Andrei focuses on melee attacks and is a better pilot (which doesn’t matter – bench the dingus forever. Do it.).

Final Mission ~ Quantum Burst 1

: ELS, big showdown, whatever! There’s no way I’m losing this one!
: Come closer and you’ll see what the man the Federation Army dubbed The Immortal Colasour can do!

: Earth’ll be done for if we don’t stop their invasion here…!
: But that’s not something I’d ever allow! I’ll keep on fighting to the bitter end, both as a soldier and as a human!
Amusingly, the GN-X IVs are a bit famous for having pretty good animation by UX’s overall standards. I reckon these were some of the last units to be animated, so folks were already a lot more used to the engine.

SRW UX - Linebarrel

Final Mission ~ Quantum Burst 1

And once the number of enemy teams falls to 13…

: It’s… The Boom Army!
: I figured you’d turn up, Ylbora…!
: Hmph, I see you’ve also noticed the connection between the Zerokage and the Tobikage…!
: Ylbora…
: We cannot allow The Boom Army to break our formation! All units, engage and repel them at once!
: But, Your Highness, Sir Ylbora is…!
: …
: (Very well said, Your Highness. You have grown so strong…I’m certain the late King Ladorio VII is overjoyed to see you come into your own.)
: (And, now, there is only one thing I desire!)
: Joe!
: Yeah, I know! We’ll do this like men – guts vs. guts!
: C’mon, Ylbora! Today’s when this song and dance comes to an end!

Fair warning, you’ve 5 turns, starting now, to drop Ylbora before the plot carries on – he’s not required for any secret requirements today, but exercise due haste if you want the cash and Skill Part. Also, the ELS aren’t friendly to The Boom Army, so consider leaving some of them around in order to further slow their advance on the western flank.
And here’s Patrick’s best trick.
“I’m not letting you get even one fingernail on my Colonel, monster!”

And when the ELS fall under 12 units…

: O-Oh, come on! For every one we take out, another two turn up!
: Stay strong! Hold out until Setsuna and Tieria get here!

As I said: they’ll respawn endlessly whenever you reach that threshold, so be especially mindful during the enemy turn.

SRW UX - Deus Machina

SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

SRW UX - You Are Similar to Me

SRW UX - Love Survivor

: You wish to face me, Your Highness…? But know that I’ll show no mercy to any who’d disturb my battle with Joe – even you!
: We and our comrades have a task to see fulfilled!
: And if you will impede that, then your life will meet its end upon the Elshank’s wings!

SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

SRW UX - Tobikage Appears!

: Heh, neither of us got anything more to say… There’s only one thing left to do!
: And that is to pit the blades of our souls against one another! Here I come, Joe!

And Ylbora drops another Patrick’s Night Cap.

: I-I shall not fall! I cannot! I swear it on my pride…!

: Joe, I doubt either of us wishes to prolong this battle any more than it already has!
: Let’s settle this right now!
: Come on, then, Ylbora!

: R-Rrrrgh…!
: Gaaah...!
: Wh-What’s the matter, Joe?! Surely this isn’t all the Tobikage is capable of!
: R-Right back at you… How the hell are ya gonna make good on your beliefs if this is the best you got?!
: (Joe, Ylbora…)
: I see the future waiting beyond my beliefs… and I’ll make sure that future endures!
: It’s for that reason… that I’ve taken up the Zerokage!

: Tobikage… If I really am the legendary Ninja…
: Then, lend me all your power!

: JOE!
: Haaaaaaaaah!

: A-Aaargh…!
: Ghrrrk…!
: J-Joe…!
: Oh, no! Recover Joe immediately!
: Y-Yes, Your Highness…!

: (I-I’ve found it… the truth… of the Ninja Legend!)

: Wh-What was that power they brought out…?!
: (Could it be that that was…?!)


: …! A new swarm of ELS is closing in!

: Uwaaaah!

: Tsk… They just won’t stop coming!

: We’re detecting an energy buildup from the giant ELS!
: Did they even learn how to mimic our cannon?!
: This is bad…! A blast from that position’ll tear our battlefront apart!
: …
: Colasour, can you still move?!
: Mannequin, not Colasour! I told you a hundred times I changed my name when I got married!
: Fine! Mannequin, we’re getting in there and stopping their cannon!
: Hah, roger that…!

: U-Uwaaaargh!
: Patrick!
: Grrgh…! The ELS are fusing with our units…!
: Cpt. Andrei!
: Damn it, eject! Now!
: Apologies, ma’am… but it’s too late for that!
: Oh, jeez, I’ve done it now. Guess I put all my eggs in the “happy” basket and lost my immortality…
: But I’m not going down for nothing! I’m at least gonna take them along with me…!
: Stop this idiocy now, you two! That’s an order!
: I-I fear nothing…!
: I’m a soldier of the Federation Army! It’s my duty to defend the people!
: I love you, Kati!

: C-Cpt. Andrei…!
: …
: Y-You idiots…!

: The enemy’s cannon is still charging!
: What?! Even after their kamikaze attack…?!
: All units, fire everything you have at the giant ELS! Do not let their deaths go to waste!

: Kch… It’s not working. In just a few moments, they…!

: What…?!

Final Mission ~ Quantum Burst 1

: …
: There they are!
: You’re late!
: We’ve been waiting, boy!
: Setsuna, you’ve to head for the core of the ELS if you’re going to communicate with them.
: Understood.

: The ELS are making a beeline for the Qan[T]…!
: I didn’t come here to fight you. But…!

: The enemy’s energy charge has stopped!
: He’s attracting them with his Quantum Brainwaves?!
: So many sacrificed themselves to clear the way for our future… it cannot be closed off now!
: Absolutely! That way’s been paved with all their wishes, and we’ll make sure it stays in one piece!

*Beep, boop.*

: I’ve identified the core of the ELS! That’s where you have to go, Setsuna!

: But there’s some ELS right over there!
: Then, we’ll just have to force them to step off! We’ll give Setsuna the opening he needs!
: We must hurry, though! If we take too long, the other fronts are bound to be overwhelmed!
: Your limit is five minutes! Do whatever it takes to get Setsuna over to that spot by then!
: Yes, ma’am!
: Setsuna F. Seiei, 00 Qan[T]...
: Pursuing the future dialogue!